Saturday, July 2, 2016

Linda Sarsour: Obedience Is Freedom

As of this writing, Linda Sarsour is the executive director of the 'Arab American Association of New York'.  Linda is a Muslim American woman, who was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York.

Here is a short video profile of Linda Sarsour —

At 1:19 in the video clip above Linda Sarsour makes the following statement —
"Oppression of women is absolutely shunned in the Islamic faith."
It seems that Linda Sarsour never read Chapter 4, Verse 34 from the Quran (one of the founding texts of the religion of Islam), which clearly states that 'righteous women are devoutly obedient', and that husbands can 'strike their wives' as a last resort, simply for 'fearing they are arrogant'
The Quran, Chapter 4, Verse 34

Is that what you think of as 'absolutely shunning' the oppression of women?

And notice that Linda Sarsour also claims to be a feminist (she states this in the first 10 seconds of the video above).

What an odd notion — that the subjugation of women by men would be considered consistent with a movement that was founded to promote the rights of women — i.e. feminism.

So now, according to Linda Sarsour, being a follower of a set of religious beliefs which explicitly state that 'men are in charge of women', and that husbands can strike their wives for arrogance, is in no way incompatible with feminism.

You could not make this up.  It would be difficult to find two beliefs that are more contradictory — feminism and Islam — and yet we have this fairly common, but bizarre spectacle of women defending a belief system which could not be more explicit about oppressing them.

Here is a page at promoting Linda Sarsour as a 'Champion of Change'
Linda Sarsour on

It is just a little ironic that the Obama administration would honor someone who believes that an Al-Qaeda plot to blow up civilian aircraft, that was foiled in part by the CIA, was actually a plot by the CIA.  Here is a tweet by Linda Sarsour to that effect, along with links to two articles that attempt to explain what was really going on —
Linda Sarsour tweet of May 8, 2012, regarding CIA role in foiling bomb plot

And I wonder how the many young women and girls who are victims of Islamic religious practices (such as being beaten for supposedly being arrogant), would react to knowing that a woman in the United States is to some degree celebrated for defending the religion that oppresses them.

For example, consider the case of Nada Al-Ahdal, who I wrote about here, back in January of 2015.

Or consider the even more infamous case of Nujood Ali, who was married at 8 years old, and raped and beaten by her husband

Or consider the terrible problem of child brides in general.   This 'Journeyman Pictures' documentary is specific to that Islamic practice in Yemen, but there is no indication that this problem is isolated to that country —

So much for Linda Sarsour's absurd claim that the religion of Islam shuns the oppression of women (as if Islam shuns the oppression of anyone).

And it should not be surprising that Linda Sarsour's organization, 'Arab American Association of New York' would receive funds from the New York City 'Mayor's Fund To Advance NYC', under Bill De Blasio, since Linda Sarsour campaigned for De Blasio — . ./nyc-gives-500k-to-group-led-by-violence-glorifying-arab-activist/2016/04/04/

In my previous post about Nada Al-Ahdal back in January of 2015, I also mentioned Nujood Ali, and pointed to an article that quoted Nujood as being bitterly disappointed, because even after all of the international attention Nujood received for having the courage to seek a divorce from her abusive husband without the support of her family, she and others like her received no help.

Well, to Nujood I would say, sorry, but no one is coming — they are too busy celebrating the likes of useful idiots like Linda Sarsour, and their attempts to distract from the atrocities committed in the name of Islam.

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