Saturday, February 4, 2017

The Women's March 2017

On January 21, 2017, there was a 'Women's March on Washington' to protest the election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States.

Here is the 'Mission & Vision' statement for the 2017 'Women's March on Washington'
Part of the 2017 'Women's March on Washington' Mission Statement.

Notice this sentence from the 'Mission & Vision' statement shown above —
'We stand together, recognizing that defending the most marginalized among us is defending all of us.'
And this —
'We will not rest until women have parity and equity at all levels of leadership in society.'
Very well.   What reasonable person who would disagree with such statements?

Here is the 'Unity Principles' statement for the 2017 'Women's March on Washington'
Part of the 2017 'Women's March on Washington' Statement of Principles.

Notice this sentence from the 'Unity Principles' statement shown above —
'We believe that Women’s Rights are Human Rights and Human Rights are Women’s Rights.'
It would have been clearer to write that there are no separate categories of rights — there are only individual rights, and which all women share with everyone else.  As written in the quote above, the implication is that only women have rights — and from the behavior of many women, I do not doubt that many of them believe this.

And notice the element of confusion in this sentence —
'Women deserve to live full and healthy lives, free of all forms of violence against our bodies.'
'Living a full and healthy life' depends on a long list of factors, most of which cannot be provided by government (even with no restraints on taxation), and as such are not a legitimate subject of a protest.  Obviously, health, as just one example, is primarily a product of nature — even with advanced medical care, the physiological processes of the human body are largely beyond the control of medical science (see the survival rate of pancreatic cancer, for example).   And of course, 'a full life' depends primarily on one's own choices — this makes it especially telling that it would be included in a statement of protest principles, as if such individual choices are somehow to be dealt with as a matter of government policy.   Even if some form of government could provide complete protection from any crime or violence, this would in no way ensure that any individuals 'lived full lives'.

And of course, again, no reasonable person would disagree with ending 'all forms of violence'.   Though it is not clear why the qualifier 'against our bodies' would be added — the implication is that forms of harassment are acceptable.

But now notice the national co-chairs of the 2017 'Women's March on Washington', and that a prominent supporter of Sharia Law, Linda Sarsour, is among them —
Profile of Linda Sarsour, one of the organizers of the 2017 'Women's March on Washington'.

Here are a number of tweets from Linda Sarsour from 2014 and 2016, promoting Sharia Law
Linda Sarsour Tweet from June 30, 2014, promoting Sharia Law.
Linda Sarsour Tweet from July 2, 2014, promoting Sharia Law.
Linda Sarsour Tweet from November 16, 2014, promoting Sharia Law.
Linda Sarsour Tweet from April 10, 2016, promoting Sharia Law.

Here are two more tweets from Linda Sarsour from May, 2015, extolling a supposed virtue of Sharia Lawinterest free debt.   This begs the obvious question, who would be doing any lending when it only cost them to do so
Linda Sarsour Tweets from May 12, 2015, promoting Sharia Law.

And here is a tweet from Linda Sarsour from March, 2011, denouncing two women who are vocal critics of Islam, Brigitte Gabriel and Ayaan Hirsi Ali.   Note that Ayaan Hirsi Ali was raised Muslim, and suffered the customary Islamic female genital mutilation at the hands of her grandmother.  Ayaan Hirsi Ali may know slightly more about the practice of Sharia Law than Linda Sarsour.   I guess Linda Sarsour did not feel the need here to be restrained by the 'Unity Principles' statement of the 'Women's March on Washington', that women should be 'free of all forms of violence against our bodies'
Linda Sarsour Tweet from March 8, 2011, denouncing Brigitte Gabriel and Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

Here are replies from a Saudi Arabian woman to one of Linda Sarsour's tweets — she did not appreciate the false statements that Linda Sarsour has made regarding the supposed benefits of Sharia Law
Anon Tweet from January 25, 2017, denouncing Linda Sarsour's characterization of Sharia Law.

So much for those mission and principle statements of the 2017 'Women's March on Washington'
'We stand together, recognizing that defending the most marginalized among us is defending all of us.'
'We will not rest until women have parity and equity at all levels of leadership in society.'
'We believe that Women’s Rights are Human Rights and Human Rights are Women’s Rights.'
But it gets even worse.

Now notice the honorary co-chairs of the 2017 'Women's March on Washington', and that a prominent Communist, Angela Davis, is among them —
Profile of Angela Davis, an honorary co-chair of the 2017 'Women's March on Washington'.

The photo below is of Angela Davis with Erich Honecker in 1972.   Honecker was the Communist leader of East Germany from 1971 until the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.   Keep this quote from the profile of Angela Davis above in mind, as you ponder the picture below, showing her being friendly with a brutal dictator —
'Through her activism and scholarship over the last decades, Angela Davis has been deeply involved in our nation’s quest for social justice.'
Angela Davis with Erich Honecker in 1972.

Also, notice that Angela Davis was the second black woman to make the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted list —

In August of 1970, Davis was a fugitive wanted on murder and kidnapping charges, as a result of acting as an accomplice in an attack on a courtroom in Marin County, California.  Guns which were registered to Davis were used in the armed escape of the three murder defendants, 'The Soledad Brothers', from the Marin County courtroom.  The three defendants and the case judge, Harold Haley, were killed in a shootout with police, as they were transported away from the courtroom.  Davis was arrested two months later at a Howard Johnson Motor Lodge in New York City, and was later acquitted by jurors of kidnapping and murder, since she was not directly involved in the attack.  Angela Davis is now 'Distinguished Professor Emerita' at the University of California, Santa Cruz —

Those on the political left have a consistent pattern of defending tyranny in general — including Islam.   Linda Sarsour is a perfect demonstration of the pattern — as is the 2017 'Women's March on Washington', which Linda Sarsour helped to organize.

That a noted Communist with a checkered past like Angela Davis would be featured prominently as an 'honorary co-chair' of the 2017 'Women's March on Washington' further demonstrates that point.

Here are more examples —

If either of the ideologies that Linda Sarsour and Angela Davis promote were put into practice in the U.S., a 'Women's March' would not be possible, and they would be among the first to be imprisoned.

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