Saturday, November 22, 2014

Paul Krugman: Defining Pandering

Pandering is generally defined as catering to and indulging the worst character traits in others:
pan·der    (păn dәr)
intr.v. pan·deredpan·der·ingpan·ders
1. To act as a go-between or liaison in sexual intrigues; function as a procurer.
2. To cater to the lower tastes and desires of others or exploit their weaknesses.

For an instructive example, see Paul Krugman's 'New York Times' blog post on January 29, 2014, where he attempts to make it seem like teachers are somehow being exploited by hedge fund managers --

Hedgies Versus Teachers

So one thing I learned last night is that the right has a new meme: inequality is the fault of the government — you see, it’s all those overpaid government workers.

I made the mistake of replying on the substance, which is that once you correct for education, government workers are paid about the same as their private-sector counterparts; basically, government workers are school teachers, which means that they need college degrees.

But there is a better answer, and a teachable moment here, which gets at the real nature of inequality in America. It’s not about overpaid teachers.

Let’s start by looking at the real winners in soaring inequality — the people who not only make incredible amounts of money, but get to pay very low taxes (and if you suggest closing their loopholes, you’re just like Hitler.)  According to Forbes, in 2012 the top 40 hedge fund managers and traders took home a combined $16.7 trillion billion.

Now look at those supposedly overpaid government employees. According to the BLS, the median high school teacher earns $55,050 per year.

So, those 40 hedge fund guys made as much as 300,000, that’s three hundred thousand, school teachers — almost a third of all high school teachers in America.

OK, teachers get benefits, so their total compensation cost is higher than their wage, so maybe it’s only 200,000.

But you should keep numbers like these in mind whenever anyone tries to shift attention from the one percent (and the .001 percent) to Americans who aren’t even upper-middle class.

It is fascinating how many misleading or false statements Krugman can pack into such a short blog post.

He starts out by writing that he made 'the mistake of relying on substance' (actually, he's not one for substance), in that government workers — mainly school teachers — are supposedly paid the same as those in the private-sector when you correct for differences in education.

This is false.  Teachers work fewer hours, mainly due to their shortened work year, so on an hourly basis teachers earn an above average salary among those with similar levels of education — and this is ignoring public-sector benefits, which are widely known to be superior to those in the private-sector.  Krugman mentions teacher benefits as part of their total compensation, but makes no mention of them as critical to doing a fair salary comparison.

Notice that in the private-sector, pension plans are almost nonexistent — most people working in the private-sector would love to get a teacher's pension --
Private Sector Retirement Plan Participation, 1979 - 2011

Here's a comparison of teacher's salaries by Nick Gillespie at the blog from back in 2011 —
More to the point, Bureau of Labor Statistics and other surveys that take into account the reported number of hours worked in a year consistently show that on a per-hour basis, teacher income (again, not including fringe benefits, which are typically far more robust than those offered other workers, including college-educated professionals) is extremely strong.

And regarding wealthy hedge fund managers paying low taxes, it is easy to look up the relevant statistics at, to see which income levels pay the bulk of the income tax collected by the U.S. Treasury — it certainly is not people with the high school teacher salary that Krugman mentioned --  (requires Excel viewer)
IRS Income Tax Shares, 2001 - 2011

The figures in the table above are not tax rates — they represent the portion of the actual revenue collected by the U.S. Treasury for those income groups, so those figures show the net result of all tax payments, after all the tax games that everyone plays.

Notice that the bottom 50% make almost no contribution to the revenue collected by the U.S. Treasury via the income tax — less than 5% of the total revenue collected each year from 2001 to 2011, and less than 3% in 2009, 2010, and 2011.

Here is a table from that summarizes the data from the 2011 IRS spread sheet section shown above, and includes the income levels that bound each group --
Tax Foundation IRS Tax Share Summary, 2011

Using the high school teacher salary given by Krugman ($55,050), we see that teachers are among the 25% of taxpayers between the top 25-50% income level, since $55,050 is between the upper and lower 25-50% split points of $70,492 and $34,823, and that this group paid 11.5% of the total income taxes collected by the U.S. Treasury in 2011 — notice that the 5% of taxpayers in the top 5-10% group paid a slightly larger share of the total income taxes collected in 2011 (11.8% vs. 11.5%, or +0.3%), even though that group of taxpayers is one-fifth the size.   This means that on average, each individual in the 5-10% group paid 5 times as much in income taxes as each individual in the 25-50% group, since the 25-50% group is 5 times larger, and yet in total that group paid slightly less in income taxes.

That is, each taxpayer in the 5-10% group paid on average: $122,696M Tax / 6.829285M Returns = $17,966 per taxpayer, whereas each taxpayer in the 25-50% group paid on average: $119,844M Tax / 34.146428M Returns = $3,509 per taxpayer.

And pay attention to the upper split point of the 5-10% group — it is $167,728 — this is in no way the kind of income that justifies the term 'independently wealthy', and the increased tax burden jumps dramatically from there.

Each taxpayer in the top 1% (those with incomes above $388,905) in 2011 paid on average:
          $365,518M Tax / 1.365857M Returns = $267,610 per taxpayer.
This is over 76 times more than what those in the 20-50% group each had to pay (e.g. the average teacher).

These individuals that pay 76 times more in taxes on average are those that Krugman claims 'get to pay very low taxes'.

Of course, such extreme differences are obviously unfair.   No one can give a convincing defense of this blatantly biased scheme, never mind how many times people repeat the asinine, bizarre, and unsubstantiated claim that the current system is unfair to the middle class, as Krugman wrote in his blog post above.   This is just our old friend 'Director's Law' again.   In short, the only reason such a tax scheme is possible is because there are so many more people in the middle class, and so they are the largest voting bloc (including the teachers), which politicians (and corrupt economists like Krugman) must pander to in order to retain power or influence.   This is a demonstration of why democracy is an invalid form of government — without legal restrictions, majorities are free to violate the rights of any minority — like voting themselves a free lunch at the expense of a minority, and destroying the financial solvency of any democratic country that does not constrain the majority with a proper constitution.   The U.S. has been marching down this path for many decades, as have been many other democratic countries (notice the large debts of the advanced democratic countries like the U.K., France, Germany, etc.).

Many people will point out that the bottom 50% still pay payroll taxes, but the payroll deductions that are not returned via a tax refund or the 'Earned Income Tax Credit', like Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes, are transfer payments that do not pay the operating costs of government.  Those payroll taxes are used to pay retirement benefits, that a current working taxpayer is expecting to receive themselves in their retirement years, so it makes no sense to treat those payroll taxes as contributing to the tax burden required to pay for the operations of government.  In short, transfer payments do not fund government — they fund individual beneficiaries.

And notice that the figures in that IRS table above, show that as of 2011 the top 1% pay more in taxes than the bottom 90% (the top 1% paid 35.06% of the revenue collected in 2011, whereas the bottom 90% paid only 31.74% (100% - 68.26%)).

Not only do the top 1% pay more than the bottom 90% — they have for some time --
Tax Foundation Tax Share Top 1% vs. Bottom 90%

Given that Krugman is a professional economist, it is hard to believe that he isn't aware of these numbers.

So when Krugman writes that teachers are paid on a par with their private-sector counterparts, or that 'hedgies' pay very low taxes, is he lying, or merely ignorant?  I have given him the benefit of the doubt by describing him as pandering — at least that leaves open the possibility (however slim) that he is honestly just trying to entertain ignorant readers.

But the more important point is that the overall appeal of Krugman's blog post (and much of what Krugman writes or says) will be to those who believe that they should be able to limit the success of others — that there is, as Krugman put it, 'soaring inequality', and that alone justifies making some successful people less successful.

Notice that Krugman gives no practical reason for objecting to inequality (I'm sure he would if pressed, or has elsewhere), but he doesn't have to give a practical reason — he can incite people just by mentioning inequality.   To many people, just the thought that some others are more successful is a call to action, regardless of how any individual's particular success was actually achieved.

The supposed concern for income inequality is a kind of red-herring fallacy, to justify a desire to restrict freedom.  It cannot mean anything else, since it is impossible to reduce inequality without restricting freedom, and violating individual rights.

The proper concern should be with rule of law, and lawful transfers between individuals — not inequality.  Strict protections of individual autonomy give rise to inequality, since no two individuals have the same talents, intelligence, interests, or ambitions — it is inevitable that individual outcomes will be unequal in the absence of coercion.  Inequality is an indicator of individuals having the freedom to pursue their goals without interference.

Not only is equality not a value to strive for, it is inherently unfair, and so immoral, because it requires forcing the more successful down to the level of others who are less successful.  You cannot raise the unsuccessful to the level of the successful, because you cannot give them talent or ambition — the only way to reduce inequality is to reduce the success of the more able.   That is, no one benefits from enforced equality, other than the government employees salaried to apply the force (and even they will suffer in the long run — see Cuba and North Korea for two obvious examples).

Attacking hedge fund managers is an old saw with Krugman.  They make such a convenient target for anyone who wants to appeal to those who respond emotionally to discussions of inequality, and fancy themselves as a fighter for so-called 'social-justice'.

In a previous post, I wrote about a talk Krugman gave back in 2007, where he made it sound like hedge fund managers do not deserve to make more than teachers, since they have similar education levels.  This is such obvious nonsense, it is surprising that people take this kind of talk seriously (see my previous post for details).

Another crude obfuscation in all this, is the notion that somehow by default, one person's wealth contributed to another person's poverty.  Krugman plays on this with his irrelevant comment that 40 hedge fund managers made enough to pay the salaries of hundreds of thousands of teachers.  So did many pop stars — what difference does that make, unless they stole that money from someone?  The proper response to Krugman's comment is: 'So what — whom did they harm?'

Of course, many people will denigrate the source of the wealth of the wealthy people that they despise.  But a pop star who can sell out a stadium, or a hedge fund manager who can make billions of dollars profitably investing client money, is certainly not stealing, regardless of how much some may resent their wealth.

I noticed these two comments to Krugman's blog post — it's nice to know that everyone isn't fooled by his nonsense --

Dan Nile

   Los Angeles 30 January 2014

The wealthiest ZIP codes in the country are now clustered around Washington DC.

If one excludes local government and K-12 teachers, and includes state, federal, and college professors, the numbers tell a different story. The private sector is not dominated by hedge fund managers. Most of them would like to have the health care and retire-at-55 pension plans that many government workers enjoy.


   Texas 30 January 2014

Nice to see Paul continuing to perpetuate the myth of the tax-free rich guy. Paul knows that every decile in the income distribution pays more tax than the decile preceeding it, AND ALSO pays more tax as a percentage of its income than the decile preceeding it. That's why Paul makes the statement but doesn't provide any tangible support. And before people start whining "what about capital gains?" Most "hedgies" as Paul likes to refer to them generate short-term capital gains which are taxed at the same rates as plain ole ordinary income.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Texas Voter ID - The Trials of Job

In 2011, the Texas Legislature passed a bill (SB 14) that requires voters to show photo identification when voting in person.

Surprisingly, requiring voters to have a valid photo identification has created a great deal of controversy.  Many people seem to believe that it should be easier to vote, than it is to purchase a bottle of alcohol.

Here is a brief description of the Texas law from the website for the Texas Secretary of State --

Required Identification for Voting in Person

Don´t have a photo ID for voting? Election Identification Certificates are available from DPS driver license offices during regular business hours. Find mobile station locations here.

Frequently Asked Questions

In 2011, the Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 14 (SB 14) creating a new requirement for voters to show photo identification when voting in person. While pending review within the judicial system, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its opinion in Shelby County v. Holder, which effectively ended all pending litigation. As a result, voters are now required to present an approved form of photo identification in order to vote in all Texas Elections.

This requirement is effective immediately.

Here is a list of the acceptable forms of photo ID:
  • Texas driver license issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)
  • Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by DPS
  • Texas personal identification card issued by DPS
  • Texas concealed handgun license issued by DPS
  • United States military identification card containing the person’s photograph
  • United States citizenship certificate containing the person’s photograph
  • United States passport
With the exception of the U.S. citizenship certificate, the identification must be current or have expired no more than 60 days before being presented for voter qualification at the polling place.

And it is not hard to find articles like these, that bring to mind the Biblical character of Job, in their descriptions of the struggles of some Texans to satisfy the new law in order to be eligible to vote —

The first article listed above, entitled 'Texans Slam Voter ID Law: 'Now That It's Happened To Me, I'm Devastated', describes the difficulties of three women in obtaining identification that satisfied the new Texas law — two of whom were unable to vote as a result.  Each woman either had an expired Texas driver's license, or no Texas driver's license at all.  The woman who was able to vote, was able to obtain a Texas identification card.  The other two women either did not have their birth certificate, or did not have a name change document (certificate of marriage/divorce) to explain why their name did not match their birth certificate  --

Texans Slam Voter ID Law: 'Now That It's Happened To Me, I'm Devastated'

Betty Thorn, an 84-year-old grandmother who lives in an assisted-living facility in Austin, Texas, has voted in every major election in her life since she became eligible. But Thorn didn't vote this year, her granddaughter says. Thanks to Texas's new voter ID law, considered one of the strictest in the country, she couldn't get the right identification.

Amy Gautreaux, Thorn's granddaughter, told The Huffington Post that Thorn's driver's license had lapsed because she doesn't drive anymore. Gautreaux found time a few days before the election to take Thorn to the driver’s license office to get a regular ID, but her proof-of-address documents weren’t sufficient. The two asked for an election identification certificate, but Thorn didn't have her birth certificate, so she couldn't get that either. (The Austin North Lamar driver's license office could not be reached for comment.)
Thorn is one of the hundreds of thousands of Texans whom Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg predicted might have trouble voting after the Supreme Court ruled that Texas could implement a restrictive voter ID law in this year’s midterm elections. The law has strict identification requirements, allowing concealed carry permits and election identification certificates to serve as voting documents, but not out-of-state or student IDs. The Supreme Court didn’t rule on whether the law was constitutional, a question that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit is now expected to take up.

Brenda Lauw, a 62-year-old great-grandmother and former teacher, has spent almost two decades in Texas, including a 14-year stretch from 1978 to 1992.

Lauw decided to move into an RV to save money. She now lives in her RV in Crystal Beach, Texas, which she said is “cool as heck” because she doesn’t have to rely on government housing. But it makes proving her residency difficult.

Though she's now based in Texas, Lauw still has a Louisiana driver’s license. She has tried to get one from Texas, but all the documentation she provided to The Huffington Post -- including her teaching certificate and her honorable military discharge from her time in the Army -- is under her married name. Lauw, who is divorced, has her birth certificate but not her marriage and divorce certificates or two proofs-of-residency, all of which she needs in order to get a Texas driver’s license.

Lauw didn’t bother trying to register or get an election identification certificate for this election, because she was discouraged by the new law and she thought she wouldn't meet the requirements. She was partially right: While a proof of residence isn’t needed for the voting card, Lauw would have needed to show a marriage or divorce certificate.

Madeleine Pearsall, 61, also ran into trouble with the new law. She moved to Austin, Texas when she was just five weeks old. “I never put my feet down anywhere but Austin,” she told The Huffington Post. She’s a Democrat, but keeps a framed picture of former President Richard Nixon on her wall because he signed the 26th Amendment as a witness after it was ratified by the states, giving her the right to vote the year she turned 18.

Last month, when Pearsall first tried to vote early, she learned she was unable to do so. She was on a payment plan to pay off parking tickets, and her license had been expired for too long, rendering it unfit under Texas’ new law.

“Driving is a privilege, but voting is a right,” she said. “I’ve always been so proud to vote, because I have friends who went to Vietnam and didn’t come back, and they couldn’t vote.”

Last Friday, Pearsall went to a driver’s license office on South Interstate 35 to get an election identification certificate. She was told she couldn’t get one because she didn’t have the right documentation, she said. When she realized she might not be able to vote this year, she raised a fuss. “I didn’t cuss, but I’m loud,” she told HuffPost.

Officers were called to address the disturbance, the Austin Police Department confirmed. It turned out that Pearsall did still qualify for a regular Texas identification card, which cost money. Pearsall said a trooper offered to help pay for it. The cops “got it," she said, "how wrong this was."

The second article listed above, entitled 'Ginsburg Was Right: Texas' Extreme Voter ID Law is Stopping People From Voting', provides similar content.  This article gives more details about Madeleine Pearsall, one of the women mentioned in the previous article above, in addition to the story of a dishwasher who cannot afford to replace a stolen birth certificate --

Ginsburg Was Right: Texas' Extreme Voter ID Law Is Stopping People From Voting

WASHINGTON -- A Texas voter ID law considered to be one of the most restrictive in the country is doing exactly what Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg warned it would do: stopping Americans from voting.

A disabled woman in Travis County was turned away from voting because she couldn’t afford to pay her parking tickets. An IHOP dishwasher from Mercedes can’t afford the cost of getting a new birth certificate, which he would need to obtain the special photo ID card required for voting. A student at a historically black college in Marshall, who registered some of her fellow students to vote, won't be able to cast a ballot herself because her driver's license isn't from Texas and the state wouldn't accept her student identification card.

Dana DeBeauvoir, the clerk responsible for overseeing election conduct in Travis County, which has over one million people and includes the city of Austin, said she spoke this week to a 61-year-old disabled woman, Madeleine, who was “in tears” because she was turned away when she went to vote at a grocery store.

The low-income woman is on a payment plan with a court to pay off her parking tickets, DeBeauvoir said, and while she’s on the plan, her license is suspended. Now, Madeleine has to quickly get to a driver’s license office to get a voting card. Her disability qualifies her to vote by mail, but she missed that deadline because she didn’t know her license would be denied.

Jesus Garcia, 40, was born in Texas. He has his voter card as well as an expired form of photo identification that works just fine for most purposes. But under the Texas law, that isn't enough proof, because his ID has been expired for too long. Getting another form of identification is difficult because his birth certificate, along with his wallet, was stolen about a year ago.

"I'm barely working, I don't have enough money to get my ID," Garcia, who works as a dishwasher at an IHOP restaurant, told HuffPost. He would have to pay roughly $30 to obtain a new copy of his birth certificate and a new card, according to the Brennan Center for Justice. Garcia has made two trips to the Department of Public Safety to obtain an identification card, but has been unsuccessful. He believes the law was passed to make it more difficult for people like him to vote.

"If I had money to go get my birth certificate and all that, I wouldn't be having trouble right now," Garcia said. "But like I said, money's down."

Regarding Jesus Garcia's belief that the Texas law (SB 14) was passed to make it more difficult for people like him to vote — well, of course the law was passed to make it more difficult for people like him to vote — that is, people who cannot prove that they are an eligible voter.  The voter registration card and the unspecified 'expired form of photo identification' mentioned in the article above, do not prove citizenship (or anything else).  There is no way to know what the phrase 'expired form of photo identification' even means, and anyone can get a voter registration card in Texas —

Jesus Garcia may be an eligible voter, but the identification he possesses does nothing to prove that.  Should he be allowed to vote simply because he wants to?

And notice the absurdity of the position attributed to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, from her dissenting opinion in 'Veasey v. Perry', that the Texas Voter ID law will stop people from voting — again, of course.

That is the whole point of any enforcement of a voting regulation — to prevent ineligible individuals from voting.

In the same way, states can set an age requirement for voting, as long as they do not enforce a minimum voting age that is greater than 18 years, in violation of the 26th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.  Again, the point of an age of eligibility is to prevent immature individuals from voting, which, by definition, stops people from voting.

The question is not whether people will be stopped from voting by more stringent identification laws, but how many fraudulent votes will be eliminated — reducing the number of fraudulent votes is the obvious goal, since fraudulent votes are always a possibility, and something must be done to prevent them.

Of course, Justice Ginsburg assumes eligible voters will be prevented from voting, and she dismisses voter fraud as unimportant, even though it is not hard to find evidence that it is easy to commit, and can easily go undetected.  In Ginsburg's dissent in 'Veasey v. Perry', she gives this favorable mention of a statement in a District Court's ruling, regarding the supposed lack of necessity of Texas Senate Bill 14, because there were only two convictions for voter fraud in Texas, in the nine years prior to the bill's passage --  (see p.5)
The District Court also found a tenuous connection between the harms Senate Bill 14 aimed to ward off, and the means adopted by the State to that end. Between 2002 and 2011, there were only two in-person voter fraud cases prosecuted to conviction in Texas. Op. 13–14.

Of course, this is not surprising given how easy it is to commit voter fraud without being detected.

For example, consider this 2013 report, from the 'New York City Department of Investigation' (DOI) — 'Report on the New York City Board of Elections’ Employment Practices, Operations, and Election Administration'.  In addition to demonstrated cases of vote fraud (DOI investigators were repeatedly allowed to vote as an ineligible voter), the report also documents various forms of corruption in the 'New York City Board of Elections' (BOE), such as nepotism, and time charging fraud (employees punching each other's time cards, for example).  Here are a couple of paragraphs from the introduction of that report — notice that DOI investigators were able to vote in almost all cases with the name of an ineligible voter, even in certain instances, when the age of the investigator differed from the recorded age in the voter registration book by as much as 50 years --
Voter Roll Deficiencies.  After receiving an allegation from a former BOE employee that ineligible voters remained on the voter rolls, DOI checked multiple databases at random to generate a list of approximately 175 individuals who had either died, become a convicted felon, or had moved outside the City.  Using that list, DOI ascertained that they had each at one time been registered voters in the City.  During DOI’s Citywide 2013 Election Day investigative operations, DOI sought to determine whether any of them remained in BOE’s registration books and to test whether investigators using the names of those ineligible individuals would be permitted to vote.  DOI found that 63 of the ineligible individuals (or 36%) were still listed as eligible voters in the registration books at poll sites.  The majority of those 63 ineligible individuals remained on the rolls nearly two years or longer since a death, felony conviction, or move outside of the City.

DOI investigators posed as the 63 ineligible individuals still on the voter rolls and were permitted to obtain, mark, and submit ballots in the scanners or the lever booths in 61 instances (or approximately 97%).2  In five instances, DOI investigators in their twenties and thirties posed as individuals whose ages, as recorded in the registration books, ranged from 82 to 94, and despite the obvious disparity, the investigators were given ballots or access to lever booths without question by the BOE poll workers.

Not surprisingly, when the 'New York City Department of Investigation' report quoted above became public back in late 2013, the 'New York City Board of Elections' took no responsibility, and attempted to shift blame to the DOI for revealing the BOE's incompetence —

Is there a reason to believe that the New York City BOE is some kind of anomaly in its incompetence documented in the DOI report?  It is more likely an anomaly that anyone in a city bureaucracy was willing to go public with such problems — not that such problems exist.

And finally, the third article listed above from, entitled '"Born and raised" Texans forced to prove identities under new voter ID law', is a pièce de résistance of reporting in encouraging people to view requiring voters to obtain a photo ID as a dramatic tragedy.  This article profiles Texan Eric Kennie, who has lived in Austin Texas his entire life.  Kennie now supports himself as a 'scrapper' — he sells recyclables that he gathers from people's garbage.  Kennie typically makes about $15 to $20 a day, so when he had to buy a birth certificate for $23, in order to obtain a Texas Election Identification Certificate, it was a big deal to him.

But even after obtaining his birth certificate, Kennie still could not get an Election Identification Certificate, because he is not using the name shown on his birth certificate — his birth certificate shows his last name as his mother's maiden name (Caruthers).  And in order to correct this discrepancy, Kennie would have to go to court and ask for the name on his birth certificate to be changed to correct the error — but for that he would supposedly need to hire an attorney, which he cannot afford --

'Born and raised' Texans forced to prove identities under new voter ID law

Eric Kennie is a Texan. He is as Texan as the yucca plants growing outside his house. So Texan that he has never, in his 45 years, travelled outside the state. In fact, he has never even left his native city of Austin. “No sir, not one day. I was born and raised here, only place I know is Austin.”

Before SB14 came into effect, Kennie was able to vote by simply showing a voter registration card posted to his home address. Under the vastly more stringent demands of the new law, he must take with him to the polling station one of six forms of identification bearing his photograph. The problem is, he doesn’t have any of the six and there’s no way he’s going to be able to acquire one any time soon.

The first of the six forms of ID accepted under SB14 is a US passport. No luck there. What would someone who has never even crossed the city boundary of Austin do with a passport?

The second is a US military ID card, but Kennie has never been in the military. The third is a driving licence, but he doesn’t have a car and has never possessed a driving licence.

The fourth is a license to carry a concealed handgun. “I did have my own gun when I was about 14 or 15,” he said, “but that was 30 years ago.” The fifth is a citizenship certificate, and no, he doesn’t have that either.

And then there’s the sixth method of identification allowed under the law. It’s a new form of photo-ID card created specifically for voting under SB14, known as an election identification certificate (EIC).

To get an EIC, Kennie needs to be able to show the Texas department of public safety (DPS) other forms of documentation that satisfy them as to his identity. He presented them with his old personal ID card – issued by the DPS itself and with his photo on it – but because it is more than 60 days expired (it ran out in 2000) they didn’t accept it. Next he showed them an electricity bill, and after that a cable TV bill, but on each occasion they said it didn’t cut muster and turned him away.

Each trip to the DPS office involved taking three buses, a journey that can stretch to a couple of hours. Then he had to stand in line, waiting for up to a further three hours to be seen, before finally making another two-hour schlep home.

In one of his trips to the DPS last year they told him he needed to get hold of a copy of his birth certificate as the only remaining way he could meet the requirements and get his EIC. That meant going on yet another three-bus trek to the official records office in a different part of town.

The cost of acquiring a birth certificate in Texas is $23, which may not sound much but it is to Kennie. He is poor, like many of the up to 600,000 Texans caught in the current voter ID trap.

He works as a “scrapper”, foraging in people’s garbage to collect cans, bottles and metal for recycling. Sometimes he comes across trinkets that he can restore. There are several chime bells dangling in the porch of his house, and a cordon of wooden Nutcracker dolls standing guard by the front door. A porcelain model of a laughing pig is staked quizzically on a poll by the drive.

On a usual day he makes about $15 to $20 from recycling the cans and other scrap. On a good day – after a holiday like Valentine’s Day or Easter when people consume more – his earnings can rise to as much as $40 a day. He has no bank account or credit cards, and no savings – he only deals with cans and cash.

The outcome was perhaps predictable by now: the birth certificate wasn’t up to scratch either. When he took it to the DPS (another three buses there, three buses back, another two hours waiting in line) they told him that the name on the birth certificate didn’t match the name on his voter registration card. The birth certificate has him down as Eric Caruthers – his mother’s maiden name – even though his parents were married at the time he was born.

In Eric Kennie’s case, there is no clear way out of the morass. He could go to court and ask for the name on his birth certificate to be changed to correct the error, but that would take hiring a lawyer for a fee that he could not afford.

Or he could swallow his pride and take up the identity given on his birth certificate – turning himself into Eric Caruthers. He doesn’t want to do that – he said it would make his deceased father “turn in his grave”. It would also be profoundly ironic: he would in effect be impersonating someone else in order to get around a law ostensibly designed to root out impersonation at the polls.

Many people consider any fee charged to individuals by state agencies to enforce voting laws to be a poll tax, and Justice Ginsburg is among them.  Here is the closing quote from her dissenting opinion cited previously --
     The greatest threat to public confidence in elections in this case is the prospect of enforcing a purposefully discriminatory law, one that likely imposes an unconstitutional poll tax and risks denying the right to vote to hundreds of thousands of eligible voters. To prevent that disenfranchisement, I would vacate the Fifth Circuit’s stay of the permanent injunction ordered by the District Court.

And notice Ginsburg's claim of a risk of eliminating hundreds of thousands of legitimate votes.

Since a midterm election was just held with the controversial Texas voter identification law (SB 14) in effect, we can look at the turnout numbers to gauge the impact of the law.

Here are two tables from the website for the Texas Secretary of State, showing the number of votes in Texas for the last two midterm elections, in 2010 and 2014.  The 2013 and 2014 elections are not comparable, because voter participation was much lower in the 2013 cycle (it was a Texas constitutional amendment election).  In the 2014 election, the overall Texas voter turnout dropped by 271,314 votes (from 4,979,870 to 4,708,556), versus the 2010 election, but notice that the total turnout among Republican voters went up by 52,746 in 2014 (from 2,737,481 to 2,790,227) --

Of course, it is easy to find opinion pieces that blame the reduced Texas voter turnout in the 2014 elections on the state's more restrictive identification law.

And it looks like Justice Ginsburg's estimate of the risk, at hundreds of thousands of eligible votes, was pretty close, doesn't it?  You would think so, but only if you did not compare the voter turnout in the 2011 and 2013 Texas constitutional amendment elections.

Texas holds constitutional amendment elections every two years, so voters can decide on amendments that the Texas legislature has approved for a vote.  2011 was the last year that Texas had a constitutional amendment election before their controversial voter identification law passed, and 2013 was the first year that Texas had a constitutional amendment election under their new identification law.  Turnout increased from an average of just over 5% in the 2011 amendment election, to just over 8% in the 2013 election.  Here is an article on describing this increase --
So, in terms of raw votes, turnout in 2013 increased by about 63% over turnout in 2011 in comparable elections. But that's statewide. How about in areas the anti-voter ID side predicted should see "suppression"?

Turnout for the 2011 election was 5.37% of registered voters; for 2013 it was about 8%.

Democrats allege that voter ID will suppress the vote in predominantly Hispanic regions. Hidalgo County sits on the Texas-Mexico border and is 90% Hispanic. In 2011, an average of just over 4,000 voted in the constitutional amendment election. In 2013, an average of over 16,000 voted.

If voter ID was intended to suppress votes, it is failing as spectacularly as

Look at Cameron County, which is about 85% Hispanic. Turnout increased from an average of 4,700 votes in 2011 to 5,100 in 2013.

So in its first real-world test, Texas' voter ID law -- which 66% of Texans support, according to a 2012 University of Texas poll -- had no impact on suppressing the vote. It even can be argued that voter ID helped increase turnout. Turnout was up, and in fact, the 2013 constitutional amendment election saw the highest constitutional amendment election turnout in Texas in about eight years.

Here are two more tables from the website for the Texas Secretary of State, showing the number of votes for the first propositions in the last two Texas constitutional amendment elections, in 2011 and 2013.  The total votes for other Texas constitutional amendments showed similar increases from the 2011 to 2013 elections, corroborating the numbers quoted above in the CNN article, again, despite the Texas voter identification law (SB 14) having been implemented --

So these numbers make it look like Justice Ginsburg's prediction was wildly wrong — you have to ignore them to argue that the Texas voter identification law will eliminate votes.

And regarding poll taxes, here is an angry comment from one reader of the article quoted above, 'Ginsburg Was Right: Texas' Extreme Voter ID Law is Stopping People From Voting', to another reader who pointed out that Texans can get a birth certificate for $3, to apply for a Texas Election Identification Certificate (Ginsburg also mentioned this in her dissenting opinion, see p.4) —
It doesn't matter HOW much it costs!!! ANY cost is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!!! Get that through your thick skull!!!!!!!!
And there was also this reader comment —
People shouldn't have to pay a dime. That $3 is akin to a poll tax, which is ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL in this country...
The problem with these statements is that they contain an obvious contradiction — administering the voting process and enforcing voting restrictions is not free, and taxpayers will pay that cost, or elections cannot happen.  So if you view charging individual voters with the costs of an election, as collecting a poll tax, then a poll tax is a requirement of voting.

It is true that the 24th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibits the payment of a tax as a condition of voting, but how are state governments supposed to enforce any legitimate voting restriction (like the eligibility age restriction allowed by the 26th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution) without administering some process of voter identification that incurs a cost to taxpayers?

The law creates a restriction, and the enforcement of that restriction exacts a cost.  We can call a charge to individual voters to obtain identification a poll tax, and then simply charge them in some other way to avoid the issue, but that is a distinction without a difference — taxpayers will pay the costs of enforcing voting restrictions, so the only choice to be made is how that tax will be collected.

Insisting that people should not have to pay to vote is just childish nonsense — obviously, someone must pay, because the process is not free.

Even if we decided to abandon attempts at voter identification, and relied instead on election ink, someone would still be required to pay the cost, however small.  And, of course, people have also discovered ways to defeat this simple control, never mind the obvious problem that this method only controls the number of times one can vote, and not whether they are of an eligible age, or are a resident of the locality of a particular election.

The tragedy here is not that any of the people profiled in the articles quoted above were prevented from voting — the tragedy is that they seem to have no understanding that this is the least of their problems, by far.  Do two men like Jesus Garcia and Eric Kennie, both over 40 years of age, who struggle to come up with $23 to purchase a birth certificate, really believe that voting will change the quality of their lives?

But even with all the horror stories in the popular media regarding Texas voters being kept from the polls by the new Texas voter identification law, the voter turnout in Texas increased when that law was first implemented — it seems those 'poor minority' Texas voters are not quite as pathetic as many supposedly civic-minded people would like to believe.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Tim Cook's Collectivism

Collectivism is generally defined as the subjugation of individuals to a group (especially society at large, as represented by the state), or an emphasis on group membership:
:  a political or economic theory advocating collective control especially over production and distribution; also : a system marked by such control
:  emphasis on collective rather than individual action or identity

Here is Tim Cook, CEO of Apple Computer, writing in a piece published in 'Bloomberg Businessweek' on October 30, 2014, that he's proud of being gay --
For years, I’ve been open with many people about my sexual orientation. Plenty of colleagues at Apple know I’m gay, and it doesn’t seem to make a difference in the way they treat me. Of course, I’ve had the good fortune to work at a company that loves creativity and innovation and knows it can only flourish when you embrace people’s differences. Not everyone is so lucky.

While I have never denied my sexuality, I haven’t publicly acknowledged it either, until now. So let me be clear: I’m proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me.

Being gay has given me a deeper understanding of what it means to be in the minority and provided a window into the challenges that people in other minority groups deal with every day. It’s made me more empathetic, which has led to a richer life. It’s been tough and uncomfortable at times, but it has given me the confidence to be myself, to follow my own path, and to rise above adversity and bigotry. It’s also given me the skin of a rhinoceros, which comes in handy when you’re the CEO of Apple.

Notice that Cook describes being gay as a 'gift from God', and not a chosen behavior.  This means that his statement of pride is for a group birth characteristic, rather than an individual achievement.

Notice that normally people do not express pride for birth characteristics, since such characteristics do not reflect on an individual's choices and actions.  That is, birth characteristics are not chosen, and so have nothing to do with individual character traits.  And because we have no control over them as individuals, birth characteristics are morally irrelevant, and cannot be used as a criteria for individual judgement.

For example, statements like these would be considered nonsensical by reasonable people, though they also mention what could be called 'gifts from God' —
  • "I'm proud of being 71 inches tall."
  • "I'm proud of having hair on my chest."
  • "I'm proud of not having hair on my chest."
  • "I'm proud of being left handed."
  • "I'm proud of having green eyes."
Such statements would beg the obvious question: 'why would you be proud of characteristics that you have no control over, and that do not distinguish you as an individual, since many, many people have those same characteristics?'

Tim Cook expressed a collectivist sentiment by expressing pride in his membership in a group, since that meets one of the definitions of collectivism — the emphasis on collective rather than individual action or identity.

Cook went on to describe qualities he believes are positive, and that he believes being gay helped him develop, but notice that he did not say that he was proud of those qualities.

That is, Cook did not say, for example, that he is proud of having developed a deep understanding of what it means to be in the minority, or for being more empathetic as a result.  Even though he listed qualities that he believes being gay helped him develop, he specifically stated that he is proud of what he described as his birth characteristic of being gay, and not his chosen actions or character traits.

This way of speaking is typical of today's culture, where so many people think in such terms regarding race and sexual orientation.  But notice that racial pride is just as nonsensical as being proud of any arbitrary physical characteristic (like those listed in the statements above).  Racial pride, in itself, is an expression of racism, not just because it too is an emphasis on collective rather than individual action or identity, but because by definition it is a denigration of racial groups.  Saying, 'I'm proud of being <my race>', is the same as saying, 'I'm proud I'm not <some other race>'.

If all races (or sexual orientations) have the same moral standing, there is no good reason for feeling a sense of pride at belonging to any particular one — if all groups are equal, then the group that any individual happens to belong to is irrelevant.

Tim Cook might have written some version of this —
I'm proud of the things I've done to become empathetic, and to have a deeper understanding of what it means to be in the minority.  Doing these things has been tough and uncomfortable at times, but it has given me the confidence to be myself, to follow my own path, and to rise above adversity and bigotry.  And I'm convinced that being gay has helped me develop character traits that I'm proud of, so I'm glad that I am gay.
But he didn't.

Tim Cook makes it sound like it is much harder to become an empathetic person if you are not gay — it begs the question, does he think being gay is morally superior to not being gay?  He certainly did not make that claim, but it is too bad that he made the implication — however unintentional.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Real Ignorance With Bill Maher

Consider this chart from the 'Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis', showing Federal tax receipts as a percentage of GDP, from 1930 to 2013 --

FRED Federal Receipts Percent of GDP 1929 - 2013

Notice that after World War II, Federal tax receipts as a percentage of GDP have fluctuated in a 5% range between about 14% and 19%.

This is a little surprising, given that over that time, the lowest tax bracket has varied from 23% to 10%, and the highest tax bracket has varied from 91% to 28% —

Here's a chart showing the lowest and highest marginal tax rates from 1913 to 2011 --

Marginal Tax Rates 1913 - 2011

That tax revenues as a percentage of GDP have averaged under 19%, despite large changes in the top marginal income tax rate, has been dubbed 'Hauser's Law'.

Many have made note of this, and the problem it poses for those who claim that government can simply raise taxes on the rich to solve its debt problem —

And many others aren't aware of this issue.

For example, see Mark Cuban, owner of The Dallas Mavericks, in a segment from an August 2012 episode of 'Real Time with Bill Maher', respond to this question from Maher —
If the government raised your taxes, Mr. Cuban, would you still be a billionaire, still create jobs, and still invest in this country?
To which Mark Cuban replied —
Absolutely.  They can take my taxes from 35 to 39 percent and I wouldn't even notice it.
As expected, the studio audience loved Cuban's answer, and responded with loud applause.  Other members of Maher's panel then pointed out how much higher tax rates have been in the past, and that the notion that wealthy individuals should be taxed less is 'crazy talk'.  Mark Cuban then added —
I mean, look, here's the reality.  If you have enough money in the bank — if you have money in the bank, then your marginal tax rate doesn't matter.  Either you're investing, or you're not.  You're not making decisions — I've looked at thousands of business plans — on sharktank we see twenty a day — not one single time have I ever had a discussion about taxes in making those decisions.  Not once.  They don't matter — either it's a good investment or it's not.

This sounds good, especially coming from a wealthy individual like Mark Cuban, who actually owns and starts businesses.  The problem is, the historical record doesn't agree with Cuban's statements.

Clearly, many wealthy individuals care a great deal about tax rates, and they'll do whatever they can to avoid paying any taxes — that Federal tax receipts were lower as a percentage of GDP when the top tax rate was over 90% in the 1950's, than they were when the top tax rate was at 40% in the late 1990's, is eloquent testimony to that fact.  It's a pity that no one on Maher's panel (or in the studio audience), seemed to have any understanding that there is no historical evidence to indicate that what they were suggesting would actually work.  If the majority of people agree with Maher's panel in that segment, and really believe that we will all be better off, if we can only get more of what private citizens produce into the hands of government bureaucrats, they need to rethink their views on taxes.

It's especially ironic that Mark Cuban would make these comments, given that when this aired in 2012, he was being prosecuted by the SEC for insider trading charges, for which he was later acquitted —

Here's a blog post by Mark Cuban, where he mocks Linda Thomsen, the woman who was Head of Enforcement at the SEC when he was being prosecuted.  It seems Linda and other SEC employees involved with Cuban's case, were exchanging silly, irrelevant photos of Cuban as if they were important to his prosecution —
Mark Cuban's Blog October 25, 2013

Here's Mark Cuban in a CNBC interview after he was acquitted of the SEC charges, denouncing the SEC employees involved with his case, and stating that he was glad this happened to him, since he could afford to fight back — I'd say Cuban certainly deserves praise for not laying down to a corrupt prosecution —

So Mark Cuban has direct personal experience with government corruption, and after all that, he still seems to think it's a good idea if the government can collect more tax revenue.  Cuban's acquittal happened just over a year after his appearance on Maher's show in August 2012, so perhaps the last year of his five year prosecution changed his mind about the usefulness of the government raising taxes — who knows.

In the end, as is often the case, this segment from Maher's show was largely a display of ignorance.

This is what is so frustrating about popular media in general, and panel discussions like this in particular.  Even on a show like Maher's, where anything can be said about any topic (since it's on HBO), you typically still only hear slavish conformity from all the participants.

It's comical to see Maher with a stack of note cards, as if he, or members of his staff, have carefully researched the topic to be discussed, and so he's prepared to bring some kind of balance to the discussion.